Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sharing a room brings siblings together.

When we go on vacation, my kids share a room. My son is usually in a pac-n-play and my daughter is usually in a bed. We try to read to both of them together and then put them together at the same time. When we do this, I think it comforts them both knowing that they are not alone.

In fact, they become quite chatty when we put them down for a nap or bedtime. My son can't really put sentences together but somehow they carry on quite the conversation. On and on they giggle and chat and giggle and chat. They will do this, sometimes for up to 40 minutes. We go in there often to remind them that they need to close their eyes and go to sleep but deep in my heart, I think it is adorable.

I always notice a change in their relationship after they bunk together. They bond and their friendship grows deeper. I think part of the reason is because they get their own personal time together where they can do things that mommy and daddy can't see. It is as if they are compiling their "inside jokes". And I think that is so cute.

It is touching to watch them grow as brother and sister. I love traveling with my kids so they are put in situations where they have to adapt. I believe it teaches them so much about patience and helps them become well-rounded kids. But knowing that they are becoming closer as siblings is what makes our trips together so special.

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