Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My favorite wine and the celebration of one special guy!

My hubby has been working really hard. I mean REALLY REALLY hard. And a lot of the hard work was for not. But yesterday, was one of those days that makes all the hard work worth it...and then some. He got a ton of great news and tonight was the perfect night to celebrate.

Don't get me wrong, it wasn't ideal. We were still trying to corral the kids to the dinner table and get them to eat a bit before rushing to the pantry for something sweet. But in the middle of our everyday chaos, we managed to steal a few sentences to ourselves. I cracked open the bottle of Cakebread Chardonnay that I had been saving and I told him how excited I was for him and how proud I was of him.

He seemed to beam when I made this "bit of a fuss". What I learned at that moment was a bit of what I already knew or assumed but needed to see to REALLY get it to sink in. I learned that my hubby likes to be fussed over every now and then...and maybe even a bit more than that. I love the way he seemed to relax and take in all my compliments and absorb the love that I was sending his way. I also learned that I don't do it enough. Let's be honest, at the end of the day we are both tired and each parent is vying for a little love and attention. A foot rub here or a compliment there. When you are both looking for it, often times it is never given. I am tired of that. I want my husband to know that I think he is awesome, sexy and super talented.(alright, I don't want him to get a big head :)

But the reality is that when you are in a world with 2 little kiddos running around demanding so much of your time and attention, it can be very difficult to reserve some of the leftover attention for your significant other. Tonight, my hubby didn't get my "left over" attention, he got it front and center. I was and am truly very proud of him. I am proud of him everyday but tonight, I opened up my favorite wine and by way of a toast or 5, I let him know it!

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