My move-in moment went like this…I loaded my car and along with
my best friend, Heather, and my parents, drove the 2.5 hours from Roseville, CA,
south down to Palo Alto. My freshman
dorm was Otero in the Wilbur dorm cluster.
As it was 1990, our awesome furniture was from pre-World War II. It was solid steel, which meant I couldn't
come close to moving it, and it had a fabulous green tint to it. It was my first space, and half of the room
stood as an empty canvas. Thank goodness
I had my MJ posters to work their magic.
I made use of every square inch of my little abode and with a few tears, said goodbye to my mom, dad and Heather. Scary to think about it now as that moment is a VERY defining moment in my life. It’s like a crazy cocktail of extreme sadness and utter excitement with a healthy splash of anxiety. WOW, my first moment as a Stanford student brings a few tears to my eyes even now.
I made use of every square inch of my little abode and with a few tears, said goodbye to my mom, dad and Heather. Scary to think about it now as that moment is a VERY defining moment in my life. It’s like a crazy cocktail of extreme sadness and utter excitement with a healthy splash of anxiety. WOW, my first moment as a Stanford student brings a few tears to my eyes even now.
I survived freshman year, barely, thank the lord for
swimming. I was in WAY over my head academically, or at least I thought I was,
as I just didn't seem to have the courage in the classroom the way I had them
in the pool or high school. Everyone
around me was just so damn amazing!! I didn’t room with a swimmer, although
Karen did join the water polo team and was super dedicated. Stanford makes it a
point to pool all freshmen together for random pairings. So, it was only by chance if an athlete
roomed with an athlete during their first year.
And every weekend, it was all about Stanford football. We had “Touchdown Tommy”, John Lynch, Glynn
Milburn and Steve Stenstrom to name a few.
We had reasons to cheer, and no matter how hard practice was that
Saturday morning, we were there for our team on game day. The seats were wooden and the stadium was not
quite as posh as some others, but we didn’t care. It was all about the power of
that single letter “S” and being as loud as we could.
Respect. Once you wear that Stanford “S”, it doesn’t matter what year it was, how old you are, or how many kids you've popped out, you can transport yourself right back to that stage of life like a superhero. Yep, for about five glorious hours, I was a 19-year-old Stanford swimmer cheering on my football team. Only this time, I was on the sidelines fist pumping those giant men after a great play. Pinch me now…I still don't believe it.
The end result of my Stanford weekend was a first half on
the field, a second half in the stands with my family, and a Sunday morning to
soak it all up. And I sopped it up like a full stack of pancakes with pure
maple syrup. Every sweet moment I could
take in on campus I did, and it made me love Stanford even more. It made me cherish that time in my life.
Every memory still brings such joy to my face and a giggle in my heart. Magical
moments that I will never forget and maybe some day my kids will fully
understand. Maybe.
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