Here's an excerpt from my latest blog:
One of the greatest gifts you can give your kids is the gift of swim lessons. When you teach a child to swim, it is literally the gift that keeps on giving. It’s a lifetime present.
I started my kids early in "mommy and me" classes when they were each about 6-months-olds. My daughter hated every second of it, but my son, he couldn't get enough. With my daughter, I took my own advice and pushed through tears and tantrums, and now I have a 6- and a 4-year-old who are both fish! Starting your kids early is so important. And even if they cry, (I cried until I was 3) make sure you follow through. The great thing about swimming is at its core, it is all about having fun, but it is also about learning a life skill. By 2 years of age, kids should be able to float on their back when they are in the pool, which is a skill that can save their life. So look for an instructor that understands both.
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